Jun 15, 2008

Successful aging

As our nation becomes an aging society, the older are rapidly growing. Socialists predict that Korea will become a super aging society in 2030. It means that people over 65 are over 20% of total population. It is certain that our lives will be long than ever before. However, we are not well prepared in this situation in society or individually. To be successful aging, we have to prepare it from young. It could be an economical, physical, and mental preparation.

Financial independent is very important to older. In the past, parents used to rely on their declining years to their children. Also, sons and daughters took it granted to support their parents. But nowadays, it’s quiet different. Young generations would not support older. If we have no money to live independently and our children can’t afford to support us, the only place we should go will be a national nursing home. Sufficient money will let us to live independent and enjoyable life.

Physical health is essential to the winter of our life. Seniors are mostly suffering from various diseases. If we have arthritis, we can’t join to family’s trip. If we have high blood pressure or diabetes, we can hardly enjoy delicious foods. In case of having palsy or Alzheimer’s, it is not only ourselves pain but also family’s burden. To prevent suffering from disease, we have to keep our body in good safe and healthy.

As well as financial fundamentals and physical fitness, good mental health is necessary for happy life as an older. As a usual, older might be easily depressive and weak. They feel alienation from young people, and their activity become decline. But it depends on mind. If we have certain hobby to enjoy with others, we will never feel isolated. Volunteer activities will be also helpful to mental fitness. These will give us satisfaction and happiness.

Our senescent life will be long and come soon. Maybe it could be the most precious time in our life because we can lead our life according to our own purpose. We don’t have to take care of family or support them. We don’t have to work on unpleasant things. But to enjoy our senior life, we need some conditions as a basement. They are financial independent, physical fitness and mental health. These three points are essential to successful aging. Though we can’t avoid getting older, we can happily face it by preparing in advance to be stable old life.

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