Apr 20, 2008

formal and informal English

and ⇒ in addition, also ⇒ however, but ⇒ hence, so ⇒ consequently, or ⇒ alternative, even so ⇒ nevertheless, OK ⇒ acceptably, permissible, satisfactory, got ⇒ obtain, sorry ⇒ apologize, eat ⇒ help yourself, me too ⇒ likewise, thanks ⇒ appreciate, see ⇒ perceive, use ⇒ utilize
yummy ⇒ delicious, tummy ⇒ belly, stomach, ass ⇒ hips
will you ⇒ would you, may I ⇒ might I, wait! ⇒ A moment, please, No ⇒ I'm afraid not
Gimme me that ⇒ Would you please pass me that? I'm sorry they are not available now. I'm afraid we can't deliver it today. What's the matter? ⇒ What seems to be the problem?

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