Apr 27, 2008

Adjusting to marriage

Analyzed adjustment to marriage

Marriage is a blessed experience in my life. Meeting one man who I never knew, love him, understand him, and adjusting to him was a process that I became one of a matured adult. However that process was no picnic to me, especially adjusting to him after marriage.

First, there are professional adjustments. For example, my husband used to considering to quit his job, but after marriage he never recommended about that. In my case, I couldn't work late as I before married or dine together with my co-workers late.

Second is social adjustment. For instant, we both didn't want to have kid. We preferred to live in so called DINK - Double Income No Kids-than have a baby. But people kept asking to us when we were planning to have a baby, or furthermore if there was any problems between us. Finally we decided to have only one baby to show we had no problems. Eventually, that decision was the best choice we made after marriage even if I delivered my daughter in old age.

Third, the personal adjustments. My husband was an early bird, but I was night owls. It was really hard to me to get up early on weekend. At first, he got up early and waited me to prepare breakfast for him. Of course I wouldn't. Now he prepares breakfast for me.

Finally, emotional adjustment. To illustrate, we were already adult who had own opinion. We had collisions in many ways in early time, we met half ways afterwards. Marriage is a way of concession and compromise of two different person.

In conclusion, there is a lot of difficulties in marriage. But it`s worthwhile to devote myself in it. I could learn a lot in life with my spouse. And my daugter is the precious present for our marriage.

1 comment:

Son-Mee Kwon said...

Introduction and thesis statement are wonderful.
And showing your experience is also very impressive.
But the tenses are not coincident. And the first and the second of body paragraphs are full sentences but the third and the forth aren't. I think the unity is necessary.
Your daughter who doesn't appear in body paragraphs is shown in the concluding remarks, I understand that your daughter is the result from your marital life through efforts of your adjustments but if you insert a linking sentence in front of the last sentence, the meaning of conclusion will be clearer.
Here I'd like to recommend some corrections if possible.
• meeting..,love..,understand..was -> meeting...loving..,understanding were
• one of a matured adult -> a matured adult
• for instant -> for instance
• asking to us when -> asking us if
• if there was any problems -> if there were any problems
• two different person -> two different persons
• there is a lot of difficulties -> there are a lot of difficulties
• used to considering to quit his job -> used to consider quitting his job.